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Hey, I made a video that featured your game

I think your game was amazing and it was a shame you didn't get enough ratings to get into the top 100. I could have talked about your game for an entire video but felt people playing the game would give a better experience than me just talking about it :)

(1 edit) (+1)

By not getting enough ratings I mean so that if you got above the median number of ratings your score wouldn't have been scaled down, because if more people rated the same way other people did you would have been 2nd originality, and top 100 overall, and you only needed 3 more ratings for that to happen. If I saw your game during the jam instead of after I would of given it 5/5 in everything lol


I just checked out your video- Well-spoken, and you really touch on some good points! I had the same thought about "fun" being a metric for games, and I think it would fit better if the term "engagement" or "immersion" was used. Cause really, if we're looking at traditional "fun" games, then to say something is "really fun" ultimately just means you want to keep playing it or experiencing it, for whatever reason.

Anyway, I'm super happy my game resonated with you, and honestly, I think you summarized some of those sections better than I could've. I'm also glad you left out most of the content- It really is designed to be experienced first hand.

Thank you for playing it, and thank you for the kind words!